Alufim go to the kever of the Sabba, Rebbe Yisroel Ber Odeser and recite the Tikkun Haklali. Alufim also go do Tikkunim by the Chida and Hrav Yosef Dayan.
When RebbeNachman was unable to go pray at the Tzion of the BalSemTov he would go to the kever of another tzadik and ask him to be a messenger for him and to take his request to the Bal Shem Tov. SimilarlyAlufayAzusDkedusha decry a fast day then go to the Tzion of RebbeShimonBreslever and recite the TikkunHaklali asking him to bring it to Rabbanue in Uman since he was his personal shamash while he was alive.