
Sefer Hamidos on Shmiras Habris

With thanks to Hashem who gives energy to the weak,  the Sefer Hamidos extraction for teachings related to Shmiras Habris is now complete, it can be accessed on the following page  http://briskodesh.org/pamphlet/sefer-hamidos-extractions.html . To see extractions from Rabanues other sefarim see the main page http://briskodesh.org/pamphlet/tzadik-yesod-olam.html

New Extractions from Sefer hamidos on Shmiras Habris

Pray About it in the Beit Knesset
Hashem is found in the Beit Knesset.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 3)

Pray For Your Friends Purity
A person that prays for his friend and he needs that same thing, he is answered first.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 6)

Pray Humbly
A person whose mind is humble, his prayer is not despised.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 7)
Pray About it in Advance
A person should always advance prayers before the problems come about.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 8)

Pray Hard
A person that prays with excruciation below, prosecutors can not prosecute him above.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 9)

Ask Others to Pray for You
Prayers of someone else work better then your own personal prayers, even a Tzadik needs the prayers of others.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 10)

Never too Late to Yell
A Yell is productive for a person regardless if he is holding before the judgment was sealed or after the judgment was sealed.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 14)

Pray on Rainy Days
On days of rain, salvation multiplies in the world and merit defenders enter in front of Hashem.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 16)

Be Forgiving and Then Pray
A person that is forgiving, his prayers are answered.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 20)

When it Comes to Holiness Request a Lot
A person should not raise his head to ask big requests in prayer when it comes to his personal needs, however when it comes to Torah and fear of Heaven, he should ask all he desires.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 24)

Pray to Change Your Mazal
Through prayer a person can change his destined luck.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 28)

Prepare to Plead
A person that decides to plead in front of Hashem, through this he finds favor in Hashem's eyes.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 30)

Pray With Bitachon
Through faith, hashem hears your prayers.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 31)

Give Charity and Bind Yourself to the Tzadikim
Before prayer give charity and bind yourself to the righteous of the generation.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 33)

Pray Same Time as Congregation
When the public prays it is a time of good will.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 35)

Pray for Even Minor Details
For all things, regardless if it is a big thing or a small thing, pray about it.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 37)

Pray for Your Friends

A person that has the ability to pray for mercy for his friend and does not request this, is called a sinner.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 38)

Stretch Out Your Hands Out in Prayer
During prayer stretch out your hands as if your are receiving some object.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 46)
Pray on Shabbos or Rosh Chodesh
Shabbos and Rosh Chodesh are more auspicious times for raising prayers.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 48)

Cry While Praying
Prayers that are done with tears are accepted.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 51)

Mention Zechus Avos
When you request something, mention ancestral merit.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 52)

Pray With Happiness
A person that prays with happiness, Hashem honors him and takes care of his oppressors.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 57)

Pray for the Purity of Your Children
A person has to pray for children and all those that come after him.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 61)

First Pray for Entire Jewish Nation
When a person wants to carry out a prayer, pray for the entire Jewish Nation.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 65)

Bitachon Helps Prayers Get Accepted
Through faith the prayers of a person are heard.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 68)

Humbleness Helps Prayer From Heart
A person that is humble can cry out in prayer from his heart.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 69)

Happiness Helps Prayer
Through happiness your prayers will enter the chamber of the King.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 70)

Pray With a Melody
A person that derives no pleasure from his prayers should pray with a tune.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 71)

Pray With Strength
A person that prays with strength, hashem listens to his prayer.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 72)

No Emuna Prevent Prayers
A person that does not have faith, his prayers are not heard.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 74)

Silence When Disgraced Get Request Answered
When you hear yourself being degraded and remain silent, you will merit that Hashem will answer your request.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 77)

Pray for Your Friend
A person that prays for his friend, through this Hashem doubles for him his goodness.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 78)

Pray With Happiness
Prayer that is done with happiness is desirable and sweet to Hashem.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 81)

Foreign Thoughts Hound People Trying to be Holy
Thought only goes after the worshiper (Explanation: A person that serves Hashem, it is after him that foreign thoughts chase after to confuse him, more then other people. This is the meaning of 'Thought only go after the worshiper').
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila 84)

Raise Your Head While Praying
Prayers are better when your face is turned upwards.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila B 2)

Give Money That Correlates to Request
There are prayers that are not accepted above until a certain set amount of money is given to charity that adds up to the amount of letters to the associated prayer. For example; when a person prays "Give me Children", he must give to charity the equivalent of the number of letters "Give me Children".
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila B 9)

Prayer Can Change Zivug
Through prayer a person can change his destined soulmate that was announced for him in heaven.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tiffila B 10)


The Benefit of Forgetfulness

Most people consider forgetfulness to be a big defect. In Rebbe Nachman's eyes forgetfulness has great benefits. If forgetfulness did not exist, it would be impossible to do any action in Avodas Hashem. If a person would remember everything that he passed through, he would be completely unable to pick himself up to do Avodas Hashem, no matter what. Additionally all the things that a person is currently dealing with would cause him great confusion. Now that forgetfulness exists, a person can forget all of this.

Rebbe Nachman himself used to act in the following way; everything that already occurred, he would consider over and completely finished. He would not allow it to enter his mind again at all, and did not confuse himself at all with previous events that already occurred and are now over.

This is a very great technique to use for serving Hashem. Very often a person experiences much confusion and great confoundment in his mind from events that took place in the past. This is especially true during times of prayer. While praying all his complexions regarding the past come to him, confounding and mix up his mind. Sometimes a person has confusions regarding his business dealings, daily life etc.., that he did not act properly regarding this and that, and he should have acted differently, or many similar perplexions.

There are also those that fall into confusion at the times they study and pray regarding the spiritual flaws they committed earlier, they are confounded with thoughts of how they acted improperly in front of Hashem, and many other variations of these thoughts, as is well know to each person. Therefore forgetfulness is a great method to prevent this. Immediately after something happened and is over, a person should remove and banish it from his mind completely, totally distracting his concentration from it and should not continue to think about it any more. Understand this technique well, since it is a very powerful method.
(Sichos Haran 26)

Kever Rabbi Oshiya Ish Tariya

More Sefer Hamidos on Shmiras Habris

Read full article:  Tzadik Yesod Olam- Rebbe Nachman of Breslov on Shmiras Habris

Rebuke Has to be Bound to its Source
A rebuker has to say his rebuke by binding his words to its source, then his rebuke will be accepted.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 1)

No Point In Rebuking Defectors
A Jew that converted to another religion, do not rebuke him since it will not help.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 2)

Home Destroyed Through Not Accepting Rebuke
As a result of not accepting rebuke a persons (home = Maono ???) is destroyed.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 3)

Rebuke Must be Given Wisely
A person that rebukes the world without wisdom, through this he arouses, Heaven forbid, big exile and subjugation from the nations.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 4)

When Rebuking Include Yourself Amongst Them
A person should never exclude himself from the group (when giving rebuke, he should include himself as well).
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 5)

Sin of Rebuke Reverts Promised Good
For the sin of rebuke causes Hashem to go back on the good that came out of this mouth.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 6)

If They Will Not Accept Rebuke Leave Them Be
In a situation where you know they will not accept rebuke, leave them alone.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 7)

Fear of Rebuking Someone Leads to Fall Under Him
A person that is afraid of certain people to rebuke them, in the end Hashem breaks him in front of them.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 8)

If You Have Ability You Are Obligated to Warn
A person who knows how to warn others and does not warn them, even his friend gets punished due to him (See if there is a better transalation for this).
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 9)

Tzeduka Gives You Ability to Accept Rebuke
Through giving charity you will merit to accept rebuke.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 10)

Rejecting Rebuke Brings Judgment of Death

A person that does not accept rebuke, is sentenced to death.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 11)

Rebuke Brings Gan Edan
Through the rebuke that you rebuke, you will rest in the grave without the suffering of Gehunim and you will merit Gan Edan.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 12)

Permissible to Reject A Person Who Does Not Accept Rebuke
It is permissible to push away with both hands a person that did not accept from you rebuke.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 13)

Rebuke is Good for the World
As long as there is rebuke in the world, satisfaction, goodness and blessing comes to the world.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 14)

Rebuke Sweetens Dinim and Bring Chesed
Through rebuke judgments are sweetened and loving kindness is extended.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha 15)

Kiruv Grants Power to Bless

A person that brings people that are far from Hashem to serve him, the blessings are given over in his hands.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha B 2)

Rejecting Rebuke Leads to Debt

A person that hears rebuke and it is not accepted by him, he should know that he will have to brow from others.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha B 3)
Kiruv Awakens Ten Sayings
Through going out to greet and important person, the ten saying with which the world was created are awakened, these are also awakened by bringing the far close to Hashem.
(Sefer Hamidos, Tochacha B 5)