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Audio Clips on Shmiras Habris Here are a number of clips sent to us by one of the Chavarim Yackov of Breslov

Questions and Comments Send us your questions or suggestions that you have for the Bris Kodesh site.

Tell a friend Doing Hafatzah is one of the biggest Tikunim that a person can do. The Holy Kabbalist Rebbe Chaim Vital, writes that if a person would know the Tikkun he receives for getting other people to do Teshuva he would go drag them by their clothing.

Receive a free copy of our Pamphlet "You Shall Be Holy" which includes the Tikkun Haklali with an English translation.

Rebbe Nassons Prayer for Tikkun Haklali - A prayer from Rebbe Nachmans main disciple to recite after saying the Tikkun Haklali.

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