
To G775 whos email was not working

Rebbe Nachman taught that going to the Mikva will not harm you.

You should not let anything stand in your way, go to the Mivah every day no matter what.

Even if your rash temporally gets worse, ignore and keep on going to the Mikvah.

If you make a commitment to not look or touch your bris or the surrounding areas, it will become a lot easier for you to be Shomer Habris.

Remember the we are very lucky in this generation that we already have the amazing teaching of the holy Tzadik Rebbe Nachman of Brelov revealed in the world. His teaching are a wondrous cure for every type of possible situation. Try as hard as you can to learn the books of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov and follow his advice.

Be strong,

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