
Questions about Pay Daled Tanasim

Q Does an 84 day fast have to be done on 84 available consecutive days?

A In general it is better to do Tikunim consecutive so the Klipot have no chance to recover. In Kitvay Ari it rarely mentions the word consecutive. However by the Tikun of Pay Daled tanasim he says that it should be done consecutive.

Doing the fasts consecutively is much harder and many of the latter Kabbalists agree that it is not necessary to do them consecutively in later generations. If someone does do it consecutively it will surely be even more effective.

There are also shortcuts, the Ari writes that a 2 day fasts counts as 27 fasts and a 3day as 40. The only thing is these can not be broken up for different Tikunim and must be used for the same Tikun.

The Chida brings down how to do the 84 fasts consecutively during SHOVAVIM and many Kabbalists do so. You use Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh to break up the fasts since they are not counted as breaks.

Q Should regular fast days (Taanit Esther, Asarat Btevet ETC) be counted as part of the 84 fasts?

A No regular fast should not be counted as part of the number.

Q If someone forgets to accept the fast during the Amidah of Minchah on the day before, can he verbally accept that the next day should be a fast day for him in any language?

A One can accept the fast in any language. If he forgets to do so during Mincha he may accept the fast until sunset.

Q Can one accept on himself a fastday for Sunday on Shabat - Meaning can he declare on Shabat that Sunday will be a fast day for him?

A If a person wishes to fast on sunday he may accept the fast during Shabbat afternoon.


Praise Hashem for his miracle

On shabbat I was walking back from the Kotel after eating with Shmulik and the Na Naches. I walked past the pub on the end of Yafo, some drunk guy started up with me. I was not afraid of him at all but when he picked up a glass bear bottle over his head, I realized that I was in trouble. I started running, he threw it at me with all his might. The bottle whizzed by me missing me by an inch splattered to pieces. Before I had a chance to recover anther bottle came flying at me. The second bottle also missed me by an inch.

Both bottles shattered into hundreds of pieces and I was not hit by a single piece.
I therefore praise Hashem and his greatness for saving me on Shabbot night.

Erev Rosh Chodesh Shvat, Alufim do Tikun of Malkos

Erev Rosh Chodesh always a good time to do Tikunim especially during Shovavim. The Alufay Azus Dekdusha did Tikun Malkus - 4 sets of 39 Malkes to rectify any Damage to the four letters of the Shemot Hvayah, Adnos and Ekeh and the manifestations in the four alomot Asiyah, Yitzirah, Briyah and Atzilut.

After this the Alufim did Tikun Nidoy where one undoes the damage if he placed in excommunication (Nidoy) by Heaven

Week of Parshat Bo - Discussion Board

Discussion Board - here members of the Blog can leave comments and communicate with each other.


Commitments of Alufim meeting

The Alufim hold weekly meeting Motzai Shabbot Vayra.

This is the list of commitments that we recommend people to do this week.

1 - To study every day a section from Likutay Maharan.

2 - To recite the Tikun Klali ever day this week as a tikun for Shovavim.

3 - To say at least one time this week the prayer from Likutay Tifilos that is brought down after Tikun Klali.

4 - To do Hisbodedute for a half an Hour at least one time this week.

5 - To fast Thursday as a Tikun for Midat Yesod. (fast should be accepted Mincha Wednesday).

6 - Wednesday night, the night before the fast say the Krias Shma of the ARI before going to sleep.

7 - To print or e-mail one writing of Tikun Habris to at least two people.

8 - Every time one recites the Blessing of Asher Yatzar after going to the bathroom he should meditate on the simple meanings of the words.

Alufim get together to do Tikun Yesod

The Alufay Azus Dkedusha gathered to do the Ben Ish Chai's Tikun Yesod. The Tikun was done on the Sixth day of the week which lines up with the Sefirah Yesod. As Rabbi Yosef Chaim, the Ben Ish Chai writes that this Tikun should be done every Thursday day night during the weeks of Shovavim.

New Questions and Answers 2

Q If while walking in the street your eyes grasp an impure image what should you do?

A The first thing is to immediately shoot your eyes and have them gaze on any other object. If you have not yet purified yourself or are in a state of low energy and find it hard to pull your eyes away, then gaze at an object alongside the image or the tip of your nose. This is very easy since your Yeter Hara does not feel like you are running away from it. Once you have done this you have greatly weakened the temptation and then you easily regain full control. This whole process takes around a second, however every split second counts. After you have done this immediately start medditing on the Divine names associated with Shmiras Habris and demolish the Klipot.

Q A few months ago I wrote to you concerning the concept of shiviti and how to do it and you responded to me by looking in the begining of the shulchan aruch, i did so and thank you. However in the book Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom it is mentioned that Rabinu practiced it when he was six years old but that he could not concentrate on any thing else while focusing on the name of Hashem. so I was wondering if he passed that level and was able to have G-d's name and also able to other things at the same time. another aspect of it is that i think it mentions it there that a person can have only one thouhgt in their mind at one time.

A The mystery is as follows a person has seven slots constantly rotating through his head. Only one of them is in the conscious mind at any one specific second. This is the mystery of running and returning. When Rebbe Nachman wrote that a person can only have one thought at a time he was saying the following, that a person can always be in control of that one slot that is anchored in his conscious mind. When the rotating slots try to push their way a person must push them away and they will fall apart. All impure thoughts are generated by the impure spirits that a person has drawn upon himself. These are not the person himself and they only have power to continue as long as a they have a grasp on the person. As he pushes them from his conscious awareness which is his essence, his soul they lose more and more hold until they are destroyed. The opposite is also true the longer a person lets these thoughts dwell in his conscious mind the stronger they become.

Regarding Sheviti, the highest way to see the Shem Havaya is to have it black fire on top of white fire. However this is a very hard level to reach and a persons mind must be very pure and he must be an expert in Visualization Meditation. When a person first starts Shiviti he has to run and and return, place the name in one of the slots and keep on running to the other thoughts and then returning to visualizing the Shem Havaya. It comes out that a person does have a couple of things on his mind however he keeps on returning to Shvite. This is what a person must do when he wishes to do Shivte at all times so he can function and do other things as well as he is doing Shivte.

Then there are times when a person wishes to reach the higher levels of visualization he must then go in to deep meditation to do so. This is why Rabbi Nachman couldn't concentrate on anything else when he was younger. After a person does this for a while and if his mind is pure then it is burned into his mind and he no longer needs to place the effort he had to as when he was first starting out.


Alufim finish the books of Navi and start new round tomorrow

Zicharya 13 pasok 6 "and he shall ask him what are the marks between your shoulders, and he shall answer as I was lashed by the house of my friends."

For it is referring to the age of the fall of the Erev Rav when the people will rise up against the false leaders. At that age every person must get up and do Tikunim to rectify his soul. He must do it between him and himself as in the last verse he claimed to be a regular day laborer. We see that a person working can also do Tikunim. Also he mentioned his society group who would get together to do Tikunim including Malkos (39 lashes).

Malachi 1 pasok 2 "for Esav is a brother to Yackov, said the word of G-D and I have liked Yackov and Esav I hate. I will desolate his cities.... When Edom shall say we have once again regained our power let us rebuild our destroyed properties. So said YKVK Tzvakot they shall build and I shall destroy......

Very relevant to current plans of Edom.

Malachi 1 pasok 10 "would it only be that they would lock the doors of the Bait Hamikdash and they will not desecrate the Mizbach. I have no need for them said YKVK Tzvakot, I shall not accept their offerings.

referring to Erev Rav that chase only money and honor and pretend to be worshiping G-D.

Malachi 3 pasok 10 "bring ten percent of your income to my treasury, let there be substance in my house. Test me on this said YKVK Tzvakot see if I do not open the pathways of the sky and pour blessing on you until no end."

Only place where a person is allowed to test G-D is by giving Masser (10% of income to charity). G-D promises results, he promises that if a person always gives Maser he will be successful in his business dealings. He requests that people test him. Every person is obligated to give ten percent of income to charity. Any person who does not do so and still has money is no doubtly receiving his energy from the Sitra Achra. All the Alufim give their Masser to Kren Yoav ben Tzuria, since every cent is given to poor families and all activists are volunteers. In addition it is handed to poor people of Eretz Yisroel in the highest level of Mattan Bseter, where the person giving it does not know who is receiving it and the receiver does not know where it is coming from.

Malachi 3 pasok 24 "He shall make the sinning fathers return to the righteous way of their sons and the sinning sons to the ways of their righteous fathers, lest I come and obliterate the world to nothingness."

Last verse in Navi. Everyone must get their family members to repent and start doing Tikunim.

We are starting a new round of Navi (yehoshua) tomorrow. Anby one who wishes can join. The Kavonot are for Netzach and Hod of Alom Haseyah most are brought down in the beginning of
Chok Lyisroel.

Newest members of the Alufim finish 3rd round of 84 fasts

The Alfim finished a two day fast today. Our newest members used it to finish their 3rd round of Pay Daled Tanasim (84 fasts). The Tikun was very effective especial since it was finished during second week of SHOVAVIM.

according to Rabbi Yehuda Fatya, Rabbi Aharon Rutah and many other Kabbalits if a person committed a specific sin a number of times he should do the Tikunim of the Ari for that sin at least 3 times.


New Questions and Answers

Q I've heard that changing a name is something sometimes recommended to people
who are sick as a segulah. Would the same hold true if the Neshamah is
sick? Would adding a name help a person fight off the yetzer hara?

A It might, but it is not advisable. When a father names his son at the Bris
a low level of Roach Hakodesh descends on him, causing him to choose one
name over another. This names contains the attributes, characteristics
and mission of the new borne. Changing a name should only be used in an
extreme emergency. A person should not run away from his destiny but rather
work to make it come true.

Q Is learning Kaballah (Rav Aryeh Kaplan Sefarim, Likutey Maran ETC.) suggested to someone who is still in the start of the fight, to someone who is still steeped
in the uttermost pits of tumah?

A There are certain levels of Kabbalah that can be very harmful to a person if
he studies them before he is ready and worthy of it. However the basics
of Kabbalah should be known to everyone. If a person is asked to make
such a big sacrifice as to be Shomer Habris he need a strong drive to
do so. A person also needs to attain the fire of Kedusha that he can use
to cleanth himself and drive away the Klipot. He also needs a replacement
for the impure energy he was living on until now.

A person in the pits of tumah the best thing he can do for himself is to begin studying
Kabbalah. However he has to know his limits so he does not damage himself.
Rabbi Kaplan's books are fine; they have caused many people to do Teshuvah.
Reading Zohar is highly recommended. Likutay Maharan was written for everyone.
A person who wants to get himself out from the pits of Tumah, the first
thing he should do is study Likutay Maharan. As Rabbi Nachman himself
said "the most ill patient needs the most experienced doctor".

Q If it's ok for me to ask out of curiosity,
as I have been somewhat around Bresslov although clearly not enough- which
Rav in Bresslov of today this organization follows?

A We do not follow any particular group. Every Breslov is good. We do not involve
ourselves in controversy and politics.

Q I have been to Uman once, should I still consider it an utmost priority to return regardless of my financial situation?

A For the first trip a person should give up everything and go. After that it
goes as follows. A number of times Rabbi Nachman was asked by students
facing extreme opposition whether they should be by his Rosh Hashana or
not. Rabbi Nachman would reply that his Rosh Hashanah was everything.
When the disciple would starts complaining how hard it was for him to
make it Rabbi Nachman would reply so don't come. This would go back and
forth a number of times. Rabbi Nachmans rule was he would never force
anyone to do anything. He gave his answer, Yes he thought he should be
there. However the person would have to make up his own mind.

Some people go to Umon they see miracles. Others only see opposition from it. Ether
way everyone knows that he is receiving a priceless tikun. How much a
person is willing to sacrifice to get there is truly his own personal

Q I have made a couple of attempts at Hitbodedut, all to no avail. I have
allot of trouble letting go and speaking freely to and I don't believe
its because I cant see who I'm talking to, as even when I'm by a Tzadik
I am never able to say what I need to say. What recommendations do you

A Hisbodedute is by far the highest Tikun possible. If a person does it right it is
higher then any fast and segufim. There is therefore an immense amount
of opposition. There are many tips and pieces of advice. Nothing works
all the time a person has to constantly switch tactics. Most of this information
is brought down in Hishtapchut Hanefesh translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
Outpouring of the Soul (small paperback). The main trick is to set aside
time and due hisbodedute every day no mater what happens. Even if a long
period of time passes before he brakes through in the end he is guaranteed
that he will.

Q I feel like a hypocrite, doing Tikunim and then messing up and being Pogem Habris.

A It is not hypocrisy at all. A person has a Yetzer Tov and a Yetzer Hara sometimes
one is stronger then the other. It is not a contradiction at all. A person
should try to make sure his Yetzer Htov is always dominating. However
if he succumbs to his Yetzer Hara once in a while it does not mean that
he is a hypecrit, it does not mean that he should stop doing Tikunim.
If a person has fallen he should just ignore it, never look back and keep
on doing Tikunim.

Rabbi Nachman
the Tzadik Yesod Alom stated very clearly that


If he falls even hundreds of times and keeps on getting back up in the end he will

Also Rebbe Nachman writes that the further a person is away from Hashem the more
Hashem receives enjoyment from his actions when he does do a small move
for the sake of heaven. A person that grew up religious in a family that
were all Shomer Habris, this person sits and learns torah all day and
never visits places of impurity. It is relatively easy for this person
to be Shomer Habris. However a person that his whole life was sunk in
the Klipot and now for the first time he is fighting with all his might
to be Shomer Habris, this person even if he fall a number of times in
the process, still each time he gets up and starts again, this is very
enjoyable in the eyes of Hashem. This can be compared to a father that
is watching his son learning to walk. Even though the infant falls many
times, each and every time that he gets up determined to continue, the
father derives much enjoyment from this.

added on this page



The Rules

1 - You should not be on the internet

2 - If being on the internet ever caused you to look at Pritzut or heaven Forbid be Pogem Habris. Take a hammer and crack the screen of your computer.

3 - If you use the internet anyways and would like to join the blog
E-mail your information to alufim@truekabbalah.org

4 - The point of this blog is to connect the people who wish to battle the Klipot into one group.

5 - There are no requirements to become a member of the Blog. The only thing necessary is a commitment to follow the rules posted here.

6 - We will not tolerate the use of impure language or detailed description of your sins. If you transgress this, you will be warned. On a second offence you will be removed from list of members.

7- One is only allowed to post Torah, Kabbalisticly related stories or Tikunim that he is doing.

8- The comments are a little more lenient but they should all be Kabbalisticly related.

9- Every week we will post a Discussion Board - here members of the Blog can leave comments and communicate with each other.

10- New rules may be added at any time.