
Alufim finish the books of Navi and start new round tomorrow

Zicharya 13 pasok 6 "and he shall ask him what are the marks between your shoulders, and he shall answer as I was lashed by the house of my friends."

For it is referring to the age of the fall of the Erev Rav when the people will rise up against the false leaders. At that age every person must get up and do Tikunim to rectify his soul. He must do it between him and himself as in the last verse he claimed to be a regular day laborer. We see that a person working can also do Tikunim. Also he mentioned his society group who would get together to do Tikunim including Malkos (39 lashes).

Malachi 1 pasok 2 "for Esav is a brother to Yackov, said the word of G-D and I have liked Yackov and Esav I hate. I will desolate his cities.... When Edom shall say we have once again regained our power let us rebuild our destroyed properties. So said YKVK Tzvakot they shall build and I shall destroy......

Very relevant to current plans of Edom.

Malachi 1 pasok 10 "would it only be that they would lock the doors of the Bait Hamikdash and they will not desecrate the Mizbach. I have no need for them said YKVK Tzvakot, I shall not accept their offerings.

referring to Erev Rav that chase only money and honor and pretend to be worshiping G-D.

Malachi 3 pasok 10 "bring ten percent of your income to my treasury, let there be substance in my house. Test me on this said YKVK Tzvakot see if I do not open the pathways of the sky and pour blessing on you until no end."

Only place where a person is allowed to test G-D is by giving Masser (10% of income to charity). G-D promises results, he promises that if a person always gives Maser he will be successful in his business dealings. He requests that people test him. Every person is obligated to give ten percent of income to charity. Any person who does not do so and still has money is no doubtly receiving his energy from the Sitra Achra. All the Alufim give their Masser to Kren Yoav ben Tzuria, since every cent is given to poor families and all activists are volunteers. In addition it is handed to poor people of Eretz Yisroel in the highest level of Mattan Bseter, where the person giving it does not know who is receiving it and the receiver does not know where it is coming from.

Malachi 3 pasok 24 "He shall make the sinning fathers return to the righteous way of their sons and the sinning sons to the ways of their righteous fathers, lest I come and obliterate the world to nothingness."

Last verse in Navi. Everyone must get their family members to repent and start doing Tikunim.

We are starting a new round of Navi (yehoshua) tomorrow. Anby one who wishes can join. The Kavonot are for Netzach and Hod of Alom Haseyah most are brought down in the beginning of
Chok Lyisroel.


Dun Aryeh said...
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Dun Aryeh said...

test 2