
Commitments of Alufim meeting

The Alufim hold weekly meeting Motzai Shabbot Vayra.

This is the list of commitments that we recommend people to do this week.

1 - To study every day a section from Likutay Maharan.

2 - To recite the Tikun Klali ever day this week as a tikun for Shovavim.

3 - To say at least one time this week the prayer from Likutay Tifilos that is brought down after Tikun Klali.

4 - To do Hisbodedute for a half an Hour at least one time this week.

5 - To fast Thursday as a Tikun for Midat Yesod. (fast should be accepted Mincha Wednesday).

6 - Wednesday night, the night before the fast say the Krias Shma of the ARI before going to sleep.

7 - To print or e-mail one writing of Tikun Habris to at least two people.

8 - Every time one recites the Blessing of Asher Yatzar after going to the bathroom he should meditate on the simple meanings of the words.

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