
New Questions and Answers 4

Q Where does the word Alufim come from?

A It is one of the Seventy names of Yisroel. These are brought down by the Bal Haturim in Bhaloscha. These line up with the seventy names of G-D and the seventy names of Matat'.

Q I have a few questions concerning the fasts. First, does it involve not drinking water or other fluids?

A A fast is from both food and drinks.

Q Second, I thought that we need to do two 48 hour fasts so are those with liquids or not, and if not are they counted as 27 day each making a total of 59.

Sorry it was a typo it should say 3 - 48 hour fasts and 3 regular fastsOr 2 - 72 hour fasts and four regular fasts.

Q Third, is it possible to have a detailed plan for the tikun pa daled?

A The time is not yet right - for this to be placed on the web.

Q I've been confused about the Breslov concept of Hitbodedut. If Hashem already knows my money problems, fears and that I still have a problem with Pgam Habris...why do I need to verbalize it to Him? If the Almighty knows in advance my destiny and how my story will end, what is the point in talking to him privately?

The Creator knows way ahead of time what I'm going to think, say or do. So why do you say that the HIGHEST TIKKUN is Hitbodedut?

A This question not only relates to Hisbodedute but rather to any form of prayer or Mitzvot. The answer involves the mystery of an awakening from below. In order to have an awakening above one first has to cause an awakening from above.

The second aspect is that when a person does Hisbodedute he rises himself to a higher level. Once he is on a higher level then Hashem deals with him differently since he is now like a different person. What was decreed upon him before was as long he remained at his former level.

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