Q Can I use drugs to help me worsip G-D?
A One of the main points of Kabbalah is to reach states of Mochin Degadlus - expanded consciousness. When a person is in these states he can reach very high levels of devotion and performed very large Tikunim. These states can be reached through Kabbalistic meditations and prayers. However as long as a person has not rectified his previous actions the pathways of his mind are blocked off by Klipot, it is therefore very hard for him to reach these levels.
Drugs provide a lower and temporary spiritual experience and a person might be tempted to use them, especial if he has had uplifting experiences while on drugs in the past. This person might even rationalize that it helps him attain spiritual experiences and it strengthens his worship of G-D. However this is all a trap for a short term elevation. If a person has not yet purified himself and has not yet rectified his previous actions then most of his spiritual experiences stem from the Sitra Achra. This is especially true when he is using an impure substances such as drugs to attain mystical experiences. This is a hole that many have stumbled into. This was one of the main draws of Idolatry / Avoda Zara.
Drugs do serve the following purpose. .. Due to the fact that the average person is very far from having purified his mind, he is therefore very likely to pass his whole life without attaining any spiritual experiences. Most of the Kabbalah is descriptions of spiritual dimensions and states of consciousness that are impassable to describe to someone that has never experienced them before. A person might therefore come to not Heaven Forbid not believe in the Kabbalah or even if he does believe that these elements exists as a pure fact, since he has never personally experienced them, these teachings do not motivate him as they should. A person that has taken drugs has many times experienced mystical states of consciousness, he can therefore associate much better with these teachings. Many people were led to do tshuvah due to states they experienced while on psychedelic drugs and the fact that they started studying Kabbalah.
These mystical states produced by drugs are just low copies emanating from by the Sitra Acher. Therefore a person that has never taken drugs should definitely not begin doing so for it is very spiritually damaging. What ever motivation that he might get by using them is far out weighed by the damage that he is causing. A person who has already fallen into the use of drugs should stop this practice immediately. Any arguments that he may have for wanting to continue the use of the drugs are false and they are pulling him in the opposite direction. Even though he must now go through an extended period of time when he must serve G-D in a state of Mochin Dkatnus / constricted consciousness without experiencing glourious mystical revaluations he must do so. He must do so until he has purified himself and is able to achieve mystical experiences from their true source and without the use of drugs. However he should use his past mystical experiences as a drive and a motivation to plow forward since he knows that such states exist and can be achieved.
Q At night I see dreams in which I am given signs, should I follow them?
A Regarding dreams. Most dreams are irrelevant and come from the side of impurity and should be ignored. A dream might contain some truth as every lie must be built on truth. If a person starts following his dreams then they start playing around with him even more until they control him like a puppet. Sometimes however a person might receive a dream from the side of purity even though he does not have the merit. This is meant to serve as a wake up call, it is a sign that G-D wants him to do Teshuvah. The rule is if the dream helps you serve G-D then follow it if not then ignore it totally. Do not be afraid of it even if it does contain some truth, for this is is exactly what they are trying to do to you.
Q I was considering moving to Eretz Yisroel but now I feel that I am unworthy since I still smoke weed.
A Regarding that you are not worthy to move to Eretz Yisroel since you still indulge in weed and have seen signs from G-D that he has treated you coldly and that he therefore wants to reject you and he is no o longer interested in you. These are all an illusion they are simply an obstacle that must be broken, a test that must be past. G-D never rejects anyone he always wants you to keep on trying, even if you fall he only wants you to get back up and keep on trying. However the Klipot know that as long as you are living in the US they control you like a child, the second you move to Eretz Yisroel they will lose a large amount of control over you. They are also fully aware of the fact that if you move to Eretz Yisroel the chances of you getting your life together and becoming a holy person will increased many times. They are therefore tying to discourage you by convincing you that you are a wicked person and that you are unworthy as well as they make it seem as though G-D is pushing you away. THis is the oldest trick in the book Rebbe Nachman warns us about this many times.
Be strong ignore the opposition and do what you know is the true thing. You are still young and it much easier for you to make changes at this stage.
We are posting the answerers on the blog, for many people have these questions and want them answered but most do not come out and ask them.
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